Real Estate News
Premier Real Estate News Providers
Frog Pond ™, the premier "Communications Solution Provider", presenting nationally recognized speakers, free reprintable articles & online publication software.
Houston REALTOR® Online - Do you prefer to receive the latest real estate information online? Each month HAR publishes an online version of the Houston Realtor giving you the ability to search from more than two years worth of information online.
Inman News Feature - A comprehensive news site that presents daily articles about the residential, commercial and consumer industry.  Compelling commentary is also included.
International Real Estate Digest - IRED has hundreds and hundreds of links, categorized by specific topics such as agent tools, real estate organizations, mortgage resources, and much more.
Realty Times - Real estate news and advice for consumers and agents, featuring homes, apartments and commercial information.
Real Estate Intelligence Report - An international news publication of interest to real estate professionals involved in brokerage, education, regulation and legislation.
Realtor Magazine Online - Realtor Magazine Online continues its winning streak. On the heels of two prestigious awards in 1999, the interactive cyber complement to REALTOR® Magazine won the Society of National Association Publications’ 2000 Silver Award for Electronic Publications/Web Sites in the editorial content and design excellence categories.
Real Trends - A publishing and communications company providing news, research, and information-based services to the residential real estate industry.
Rismedia - Leading independent provider of news, information and reference publications in the real estate and relocation industry.
Knowledge Plex™ - Your comprehensive interactive resource for the affordable housing and community development field. Share knowledge, build relationships, and shape the future of American communities.
Local & National News  
Houston Chronicle Washington Post
Houston Business Journal USA Today
NY Times Wall Street Journal


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